I would like to integrate a watchOS extension into my iOS project. I set up the AppleWatch integration via File -> New -> Target -> watchOS -> App. Then can see WatchKitApp via a separate folder but not the WatchKitExtension. I'm using Xcode 14 and compiling my project on iOS 16, do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong here?
From Xcode 14 WatchKit App and WatchKit App Extension are combined into a single target.
Xcode 14 includes a default template for watchOS apps that combines the WatchKit App and WatchKit App Extension targets into a single Watch App target, simplifying code, asset, and localization management. You can deploy single-target watchOS apps to watchOS 7 and later. (83222217)
Source: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode-release-notes/xcode-14-release-notes