I would like to concatenate 2 OutputStream of different types using the method Multi.createBy().concatenating().streams
. Is there a way to achieve this?
I have 2 streams one is of ByteArrayOutputStream
and other is of custom type CustomerEvent
and I would like to concatenate them using the SmallRye Mutiny. Is there a way to achieve this?
public class CustomerGenerator {
private ByteArrayOutputStream jsonOutput;
private JsonGenerator jsonGenerator;
private CustomerGenerator() {
try {
jsonOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
jsonGenerator = new JsonFactory().createGenerator(jsonOutput).useDefaultPrettyPrinter();
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new CustomerGeneratorException("Exception occurred during the generation of customer document : " + ex);
public Multi < Customer > generateCustomer(final Input input) {
try {
jsonGenerator.writeStringField("type", "customerDocument");
jsonGenerator.writeStringField("creationDate", Instant.now().toString());
jsonGenerator.writeEndObject(); // End body
jsonGenerator.writeEndObject(); // End whole json file
Multi < ByteArrayOutputStream > jsonWrapper = Multi.createFrom().item(jsonOutput);
return Multi.createBy().concatenating().streams(jsonWrapper, Multi.createFrom().publisher(new CustomerPublisher(input))));
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new CustomerGeneratorException("Exception occurred during customer document wrapper creation : " + ex);
As you can see from the code sample, I would like to concatenate the generated JSON to my other JSON of type Customer
. Is there a way to achieve this?
Multi < ByteArrayOutputStream > jsonWrapper = Multi.createFrom().item(jsonOutput);
return Multi.createBy().concatenating().streams(jsonWrapper, Multi.createFrom().publisher(new CustomerPublisher(input))));
Both Multi
have to return a Multi<Customer>
if you want to concatenate them.
Looking at your code, it seems that what you need to do is to convert the json into a Customer
(or collection of Customer
) and then convert it to a Multi
. I don't know how you convert the JSON to a Customer
, assuming you have a function convertToCustomer
, this is how the code should look like:
Multi<Customer> customerMulti = Multi.createFrom().item( convertToCustomer(jsonGenerator))
Multi<Customer> customersPublisher = Multi.createFrom().publisher(new CustomerPublisher(input));
// Now you can concatenate the two
Multi<Customer> result = Multi.createBy().concatenating()
.streams(customerMulti, customersPublisher);
Alternatively, your method could return a Multi<Object>
. But I suspect this is not what you need.