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Angular Material custom input validation message not showing with mat-stepper

I implemented custom control based on official guides using ControlValueAccessor:

The issue that validation error is not showing until we touch our custom field. In my case I have an issue with Stepper, but it also not working when I do this.form.markAllAsTouched()

Error example

I provide example below based on official custom Phone field. Click "Next" with empty fields.

Example on stackblitz


  • See the function errroState. You can add the condition ngControl.invalid and mark as touched is the ngControl is touched using

      get errorState(): boolean {
        const touched=!!this.ngControl?.touched;
        if (touched!=this.touched)
        return ( || !!this.ngControl?.invalid) && this.touched;

    Then if you mark as touched the FormControl, you see the error

    <button type="button" mat-button matStepperNext 
       (click)="form.markAllAsTouched()" >Next</button>
