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How to troubleshoot a Sagemaker Studio solution that doesn't launch?

Every time I try to launch a SageMaker Solution, the Studio keeps spinning and nothing happens, not even an error message. What am I possibly doing wrong? How can I collect information to troubleshoot the issue?

Steps to reproduce:

  • with the console, log into the Europe (Paris) or U.S. East (N. Virginia)
  • go to SageMaker
  • ensure Quick setup is selected
  • create a new role, keep the defaults except select "Any S3 bucket"
  • create a user profile with the new role
  • once the profile is ready, use it to launch the Studio
  • in the Studio, go to JumpStart
  • select the "Fraud Detection in Financial Transactions using Deep Graph Library" solution and try to Launch it
  • the studio just keeps spinning, the solution is not launched

enter image description here


  • I had the same problem as you just recently and I can tell you I solved it by recreating the Amazon SageMaker Domain with the Standard setup configuration (so, not Quick setup).

    Inside it you have to specify all the correct configurations such as IAM entries, VPC / security groups and all information blocking the display of Studio resources.

    In the quick, in fact, they are not asked and you run into this problem you show.

    To delete the domain and recreate a new one, it is necessary to:

    • Delete all jupyter server apps
    • Delete all user profiles
    • Delete the domain