I have an image in an “itk::image::Pointer salida”. I have checked that it has the correct pixelvalues. I want to save the image into a file, but in the last line, it gives me an exception and now I don’t know what to do:
// Saving the result into a file
salida = ui.imageframe->imagereader;
writer = itk::ImageFileWriter<ImageType>::New();
writer->SetInput( salida ) ;
writer->SetFileName ( "output.jpeg");
writer->Update();// ---> EXCEPTION!!
The exception goes to xmtx.c file ( mutex[mutual exclusion] support for VC++), It goes to the last line of this part of the code:
void __CLRCALL_PURE_OR_CDECL _Mtxlock(_Rmtx *_Mtx)
{ /* lock mutex */
#ifdef _M_CEE
Does any of you have had the same problem? Any hint for fixing it?
Thanks in advance
Antonio Gómez Barquero
Try catching the exception and see what it contains. I am not familiar with itk but looking at the API, the following should work:
catch( itk::ExceptionObject& ex )
qDebug() << ex.what();
This should lead you to the source of the exception.