I have a Python/Dash application with a vertical nav-bar and I wish to alter the height of the nav-pills. I'm using the bootstrap "SLATE" theme with the CSS-file stored locally in the /asset
The sidebar code:
"position": "fixed",
"top": 0,
"left": 0,
"bottom": 0,
"width": "16rem",
"padding": "2rem 1rem",
#"background-color": "#4F5761",
sidebar = html.Div([
[dbc.NavLink("Section 1", href="/page_1", active="exact"),
dbc.NavLink("Section 2", href="/page_2", active="exact"),
dbc.NavLink("Section 3", href="/page_3", active="exact"),],
I found a similar question in this thread Changing the height of Bootstrap's nav-pills suggesting the following extension to the CSS but I cannot figure out how to apply it.
.nav>li>a {
padding-top: 1px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
Question: How can I (in a Python/Dash context) extend the original bootstrap CSS to change height of the pills? I'd prefer to leave the bootstrap CSS untouched and override the specific properties needed in a separate small CSS. What properties should I change and how do I introduce another CSS-file that overrides these specific properties in the original one (which CSS overrides the other)?
You should create an assets folder in the same directory where the python file exists.
Create a CSS file in the assets folder and put your CSS style.
Run your python file, the CSS file will be applied automatically.