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How to count distribution in numbers and percent of binary column in table?

i have table in SAS Enterprise Guide like below:

Below table DOES NOT have duplicates in ID column.

123 | 0
456 | 0 
777 | 1 
889 | 0 
122 | 1

And I would like to aggregate above table with sample data (original table has many more data) to have something like below:

  • Q_0 - number of ID with '0' in column TARGET

  • Q_1 - number of ID with '1' in column TARGET

  • P_0 - prcent of ID with '0' in column TARGET

  • P_1 - prcent of ID with '1' in column TARGET

    Q_0 Q_1 P_0 P_1 COL1
    3 2 0.6 0.4 XXX

How can I do that in SAS Enterprise Guide in normal SAS or in PROC SQL ?


  • PROC FREQ gives you the data but not in the desired format.

    proc freq data=have;
    table target /out=want outpct;

    If you really want that format, SQL is probably the easiest though the most manual. If you have missing values this probably needs to be adjusted.

    proc sql;
    create table want as
    select sum(target=1) as q_1,
           sum(taget=0) as q_0, 
           mean(target) as p_1 format=percent12.1,
           1-mean(target) as p_0 format=percent12.1
    from have;