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How can I get the UTC offset from a timezone

In Node, how can I convert a time zone (e.g. Europe/Stockholm) to a UTC offset (e.g. +1 or +2), given a specific point in time? Temporal seems to be solving this in the future, but until then? Is this possible natively, or do I need something like tzdb?


  • I would recommend not to use tzdb directly, but rather a date library that deals well with timezones. In particular, I found Luxon to be good for this, see their documentation about timezone handling. To get the offset, you just create a DateTime with the desired timezone, then get its .offset:

    const dateInZone = DateTime.fromISO("2022-10-23T21:10:56Z", {
      zone: "Europe/Stockholm"

    Alternatively, create a Zone instance and get its .offset() at a particular timestamp:

    const zone = new IANAZone("Europe/Stockholm");