I have two sheets the first is a data entry, the second creates a column of unique dates from the first sheet (this I have working). Next, I want to get the value in the first sheet where it matches the date in the second sheet. the problem is it returns multiple values and I only want the first for each date row matched.
here is a Google sheet example Example sheet in it sheet2 column B is what I'm looking to achieve.
on sheet2 I pull the dates from sheet1 using=SORT(UNIQUE(Flatten(Sheet1!A5:A)))
this works.
Next, I want to take each date on sheet2 and get the row's first occurrence from sheet1 where the data matches and display the value in sheet1 column M in Sheet2 column B on the row where the date matches.
the example sheet hopefully makes it clearer!
my closest attempt was =IF('Sheet1'!$A$5:A = A1, 'Sheet1'!M5,"")
but this doesn't work!
=SORTN({Sheet1!A5:A, Sheet1!M5:M}, 9^9, 2, 1, 1)
9^9 return all rows
2 group by
1 first column
1 in ascending order