I'm using Freezed to generate my models. I want to ignore a specific key, so I'm using @JsonKey(ignore: true).
class ObjectA with _$ObjectA {
const factory ObjectA({
@JsonKey(ignore: true)
List<ObjectB> ObjectBList,
}) = _ObjectA;
factory ObjectA.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$ObjectA(json);
When I try to run the build_runner, I'm getting the above exception:
The parameter
is non-nullable but is neither required nor marked with @Default
Why doesn't it been ignored?
The issue you are facing is with Dart
syntax. When you declare parameters in constructors.
You can have a nullable
parameter or a non-nullable
parameter; this also apply to variables.
If you want the parameter you declared in the constructor to be non-nullable
then it must either have a default value or the declared parameter must be prefixed with the required
You have three options:
required List<ObjectB> ObjectBList
List<ObjectB>? ObjectBList
this can be done with the @Default
@Default([]) List<ObjectB> ObjectBList