I am trying to build a custom theme using Alpine & Tailwind. However, I stumbled upon something that I can't figure it out on my own.
If I initialize a component with Alpine and I am trying to create a variable that holds a liquid object like this :
<div class="product__info-wrapper" x-data="{smth: true, productItem: {{product | json}}}">
It throws a syntax error stating : Unexpected token ';'
How do I use AlpineJS with Liquid objects because I've tried looking this up and there is no information related to this.
PS: I am using Laravel Mix to compile Alpine & Tailwind
You can use escape filter on json to fix this.
Escapes a string by replacing characters with escape sequences (so that the string can be used in a URL, for example). It doesn’t change strings that don’t have anything to escape.
<div class="product__info-wrapper" x-data="{smth: true, productItem: {{product | json | escape}}}">