I have a sealed class like below,
sealed class ApiResult<T>(
val data: T? = null,
val errors: List<Error>? = null
) {
class Success<T>(data: T?) : ApiResult<T>(data)
class Failure<T>(
errors: List<Error>,
data: T? = null
) : ApiResult<T>(data, errors)
And this is my Retrofit API interface,
interface Api {
suspend fun login(@Body loginRequestDto: LoginRequestDto): ApiResult<LoginResponseDto>
What I want to achieve is, internally wrap the LoginResponseDto in BaseResponseDto which has the success, error, and data fields. Then put them in the ApiResult class.
data class BaseResponseDto<T>(
val success: Boolean,
val errors: List<Int>,
val data: T?
In this case, LoginResponseDto is my data class. So, Retrofit should internally wrap the LoginResponseDto in BaseResponseDto then I will create the ApiResult response in my custom call adapter. How can I tell Retrofit to internally wrap this? I don't want to include the BaseResponseDto in the API interface every time.
After spending the whole day, I could achieve it. I had to create a custom converter. Here it is,
class ApiConverter private constructor(
private val gson: Gson
) : Converter.Factory() {
override fun responseBodyConverter(
type: Type,
annotations: Array<out Annotation>,
retrofit: Retrofit
): Converter<ResponseBody, *> {
val baseResponseType = TypeToken.get(BaseResponseDto::class.java).type
val finalType = TypeToken.getParameterized(baseResponseType, type)
return Converter<ResponseBody, Any> { value ->
val baseResponse: BaseResponseDto<*> =
gson.fromJson(value.charStream(), finalType.type)
companion object {
fun create(gson: Gson) = ApiConverter(gson)
Now I don't have to specify the BaseResponseDto every time in the API interface for retrofit.