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Follow new requests on google chrome devtools network tab

On my website, an AJAX script makes a lot of requests. I would like to have the network log scroll down to the newest requests automatically without me needing to do this. How would I do this on Chrome DevTools?


  • There is a somewhat cumbersome solution:

    1. Open devtools-on-devtools.

    Open devtools first and switch its Dock side in the menu to a detached (floating) window enter image description here
    in the now detached devtools press Ctrl+Shift+i or ⌘+⌥+i on MacOS, which will open devtools-on-devtools in a new window

    1. Run this code in devtools-on-devtools console:
    setInterval(() => {
        let scr = document.querySelector("")
        scr.scrollTop = scr.scrollHeight
    }, 3000);