I'm working on one project for some time now on flutter. Part of the source code has been designed so that it can be used again as is in other projects.
I'm working with Visual Studio Code.
Now I'm creating a second project. I'd like to organize folders this way:
Parent folder
Project1 folder
Project2 folder
Is it possible to add the library folder to the projects, as it is not inside their respective folders?
The way to solve this isn't straightforward for beginners. So I summed up the proposed solutions here (I provide the names out of fairness, and follow related potential discussions below each one).
In pubspec.yaml of project 1, refer to the library as:
path: ../my_library
In ../my_library, add a specific pubspec.yaml. Something like:
name: my_libraries
description: my own common libraries
publish_to: 'none' # Remove this line if you wish to publish to pub.dev
version: 1.0.0+1
sdk: ">=2.17.1 <3.0.0"
sdk: flutter
Drag and drop (maybe there's a menu) your my_libraries folder from a file explorer to the VSCODE Explorer panel, and choose "add folder to workspace". Of course, all dependencies to external libraries used in my_libraries must be specified in its own pub_spec.yaml file.
I added source files in my_libraries/lib/. Don't know if the lib sub-directory is mandatory. Didn't take time to test without, and I like better to keep the same structure in my_libraries than in projects.
in project (and my_library) source files, to import my_library source files, just do as:
import 'package/my_library/xxx.dart'
where xxx.dart is the file to import.