Below, my TestStruct
instance is wrapped in two containers: a Box
, then a Vec
. From the perspective of a new Rust user it's surprising that moving the Box
into the Vec
makes both the Box
and the TestStruct
instance mutable.
struct TestStruct { value: i32 }
fn test_fn() {
let immutable_instance = TestStruct{value: 123};
let immutable_box = Box::new(immutable_instance);
let mut mutable_vector = vec!(immutable_box);
mutable_vector[0].value = 456;
Is there a similar construct whereby the boxed value is immutable, but the container of boxes is mutable? More generally, is it possible to have multiple "layers" of containers without the whole tree being either mutable or immutable?
Is there a similar construct whereby the boxed value is immutable, but the container of boxes is mutable? More generally, is it possible to have multiple "layers" of containers without the whole tree being either mutable or immutable?
Not really. You could easily create one (just create a wrapper object which implements Deref
but not DerefMut
), but the reality is that Rust doesn't really see (im)mutability that way, because its main concern is controlling sharing / visibility.
After all, for an external observer what difference is there between
mutable_vector[0].value = 456;
mutable_vector[0] = Box::new(TestStruct{value: 456});
None is the answer, because Rust's ownership system means it's not possible for an observer to have kept a handle on the original TestStruct
, thus they can't know whether that structure was replaced or modified in place[1][2].
If you want to secure your internal state, use visibility instead:
mod foo {
pub struct TestStruct { value: i32 }
impl TestStruct {
pub fn new(value: i32) -> Self { Self { value } }
fn test_fn() {
let immutable_instance = foo::TestStruct{value: 123};
let immutable_box = Box::new(immutable_instance);
let mut mutable_vector = vec!(immutable_box);
mutable_vector[0].value = 456;
does not compile because from the point of view of test_fn
, TestStruct::value
is not accessible. Therefore test_fn
has no way to mutate a TestStruct
unless you add an &mut
method on it.
[1]: technically they could check the address in memory and that might tell them, but even then it's not a sure thing (in either direction) hence pinning being a thing.
[2]: this observability distinction is also embraced by other languages, for instance the Clojure language largely falls on the "immutable all the things" side, however it has a concept of transients which allow locally mutable objects