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How in pg to prepare queries with named variables in the LIKE clause between two percent?

i have a code

import { Pool } from 'pg'
import { pg as named } from 'yesql'

const db = new Pool({
    host: 'localhost',
    user: 'postgres',
    password: '1',
    database: 'libcourse'

const query = `select * from table where column like '%:var%'`
const result = await db.query(named(query)({var: 'test'})).rows

:var is not recognized as a variable


  • I assume that yesql is only able to inject variables into an SQL statement where placeholders would also be allowed, otherwise SQL injection attacks would be too hard to detect. And a placeholder between percent signs is not allowed, neither is a placeholder in quotes.

    The solution is to include the percent signs in the variable value:

    const query = `select * from table where column like :var`
    const result = (await db.query(named(query)({var: `%${'test'}%`))).rows

    (Also, you should not await the rows, but take the rows of the awaited result.)