Source image:
My Code:
$mgck_wnd = new Imagick();
// 1 cmyk2rgb
$img_colspc = $mgck_wnd->getImageColorspace();
if ($img_colspc != imagick::COLORSPACE_RGB && $img_colspc != imagick::COLORSPACE_GRAY) {
$profiles = $mgck_wnd->getImageProfiles('*', false); // get profiles
$has_icc_profile = (array_search('icc', $profiles) !== false); // we're interested if ICC
if ($has_icc_profile === false) {
// image does not have CMYK ICC profile, we add one
$icc_cmyk = file_get_contents('icc/Generic CMYK Profile.icc');
$mgck_wnd->profileImage('icc', $icc_cmyk);
// Then we need to add RGB profile
$icc_rgb = file_get_contents('icc/Generic RGB Profile.icc');
$mgck_wnd->profileImage('icc', $icc_rgb);
// 2 to300dpi
$img_units = $mgck_wnd->getImageUnits();
switch ($img_units) {
case imagick::RESOLUTION_UNDEFINED: $units= 'undefined'; break;
case imagick::RESOLUTION_PIXELSPERINCH: $units= 'PPI'; break;
case imagick::RESOLUTION_PIXELSPERCENTIMETER: $units= 'PPcm'; break;
list($x_res, $y_res) = $mgck_wnd->getImageResolution();
if ($x_res == 300 && $y_res == 300 && $img_units == imagick::RESOLUTION_PIXELSPERINCH) { return null; }
$mgck_wnd->setResolution(300, 300);
// 3 tiff2jpg
$img_colspc = $mgck_wnd->getImageColorspace();
if ($img_colspc == imagick::COLORSPACE_RGB) {
return $mgck_wnd;
Result image:
How to fix it?
Tiff Image Example from Color Profiles from
The Problem was in corrupted ImageMagick 6.9 library.