Is it worth the effort to try and actively dispose of the Dictionary
in this code, or just leave it to managed garbage collection?
private void LogReprocessTsk(List<ReprocessTsk> reprocessTsks)
foreach (ReprocessTsk reprocessTsk in reprocessTsks)
Dictionary<string, string> logMessage = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ "Message", "insert into REPROCESS_TSK - parentId changed" },
{ "TSKLOC", reprocessTsk.TSKLOC },
{ "CRS", reprocessTsk.CRS.ToString() },
{ "PROCESSED", reprocessTsk.PROCESSED.ToString() },
{ "OldParentId", reprocessTsk.OldParentId },
{ "NewParentId", reprocessTsk.NewParentId }
The garbage collector does its job very well and there is no reason to force a premature garbage collection. The dictionary gets out of the scope of the loop anyway at each iteration and becomes automatically a candidate for garbage collection.
You can minimize the number of object creations if you declare only one dictionary before the loop and clear it after use.
var logMessage = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (ReprocessTsk reprocessTsk in reprocessTsks) {
logMessage.Add("Message", "insert into REPROCESS_TSK - parentId changed");
logMessage.Add("TSKLOC", reprocessTsk.TSKLOC);
logMessage.Add("CRS", reprocessTsk.CRS.ToString());
logMessage.Add("PROCESSED", reprocessTsk.PROCESSED.ToString());
logMessage.Add("OldParentId", reprocessTsk.OldParentId);
logMessage.Add("NewParentId", reprocessTsk.NewParentId);
Since you are using the same keys at each foreach iteration, yet another possibility is to re-assign the new values to the same dictionary keys.
var logMessage = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (ReprocessTsk reprocessTsk in reprocessTsks) {
logMessage["Message"] = "insert into REPROCESS_TSK - parentId changed";
logMessage["TSKLOC"] = reprocessTsk.TSKLOC;
logMessage["CRS"] = reprocessTsk.CRS.ToString();
logMessage["PROCESSED"] = reprocessTsk.PROCESSED.ToString();
logMessage["OldParentId"] = reprocessTsk.OldParentId;
logMessage["NewParentId"] = reprocessTsk.NewParentId;
Note that the dictionary indexer creates non existing entries and replaces existing ones. See: the remarks section for the Dictionary<TKey,TValue>.Item[TKey]