Using Lift Record, when I try to retrieve the MongoDB entry below, a NullPointerException
is raised when the .asHtml
method of MongoCaseClassField
is called.
object MyEnumeration extends Enumeration {
val A, B, C = Value
case class MyCaseClass(en: MyEnumeration.Value)
class MyRecord extends MongoRecord[MyRecord] with MongoId[MyRecord] {
def meta = MyRecord
object fail extends MongoCaseClassField[MyRecord, MyCaseClass](this)
object MyRecord extends MyRecord with MongoMetaRecord[MyRecord]
However this works fine if I use String
instead of Enumeration
. Is there any way to use enumerations in case class fields or should use a different type of field?
I am quite certain that this will only work with native types like String, Int, Float, Double, Boolean, etc, but not Enumerations. I am really certain that this is due to serialization.