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ggpattern - Pattern for a specified value of variable

I tried to represent species presence into containers breeding site. I used a bar plot and a color code to represent my different species. I first tried to specify a color for each value of my sp variable, but it appeared to be to much colored as I have combination of multiple species in a breeding site. In order to simplify the visual of the plot, I tried to represent the presence of two species in the same container by adding a colored pattern of a species above the color of another, but did not succeed.

Here's my code below I used. I tried but did not understand the use of scale_pattern_manual

Any suggestions ?

x11(); ggppt<-Tabagg %>%
  filter(!(type_gîtes %in% "na")) %>%
  filter(pres_larve %in% "Oui") %>%
  filter(!(sp %in% "na")) %>%
  ggplot()      +
  aes(x = type_gîtes, fill = sp)  +
  geom_bar()                      +
  labs(x = "Type gîte", 
       y = "N", fill = "Espèces") +
  coord_flip()                    +
  theme_minimal()                 +
  theme(legend.text.align = 0,
        legend.position = "bottom")+
  scale_fill_manual(name = "Espèces" ,
                    values = c("Ae. aegypti"                                    = "#DA4943",
                               "Ae. aegypti + Ae. polynesiensis"                = "#D058EC",
                               "Ae. aegypti + Ae. polynesiensis + Cx. spp."     = "#FF27D5",
                               "Ae. aegypti + Cx. spp."                         = "#EC8158",
                               "Ae. aegypti + Toxo. amboinensis"                = "#CC804D",
                               "Ae. polynesiensis"                              = "#5284D9",
                               "Ae. polynesiensis + W. mitchellii"              = "#CB447C",
                               "Cx. spp."                                       = "#E5AD3F",
                               "Toxo. amboinensis"                              = "#67E5C8",
                               "W. mitchellii"                                  = "#A259DB",
                               "na"                                             = "#757575"
                    labels = c(expression(italic("Ae. aegypti"),
                                          italic("Ae. aegypti + Ae. polynesiensis"), 
                                          italic("Ae. aegypti + Ae. polynesiensis + Cx. spp."),
                                          italic("Ae. aegypti + Cx. spp."), 
                                          italic("Ae. aegypti + Toxo. amboinensis"),
                                          italic("Ae. polynesiensis"), 
                                          italic("Ae. polynesiensis + W. mitchellii"),
                                          italic("Cx. spp."),
                                          italic("Toxo. amboinensis"),
                                          italic("W. mitchellii"),
                                          "na"))) +
  scale_pattern_manual(values=c("Ae. aegypti + Ae. polynesiensis" ="Stripe")); ggppt

Here's the plot generated

enter image description here


  • You may want to try something like this:


    dat <- data.frame(drv = c("4", "4", "4", "4", "4", "f", "f", "f", "f", "r", "r", "r"), 
               class = c("compact", "midsize", "pickup", "subcompact", "suv", 
                         "compact", "midsize", "minivan", "subcompact", 
                         "2seater", "subcompact", "suv"), 
               y = c(12L, 3L, 33L, 4L, 51L, 35L, 38L, 11L, 22L, 5L, 9L, 11L)) 

    Give the same name for scale_fill_manual() and scale_pattern_manual(). Also, specify the group (or groups) you would like to show the pattern (or patterns).

    dat %>% ggplot(aes(x = class, y = y, fill = drv, pattern = drv)) +
      #  geom_col()+   # not necessary
      geom_col_pattern() +
      coord_flip() +
      theme_minimal() +
        name = "Drive",
        values = c(
          "4" = "#DA4943",
          "f" = "#D058EC",
          "r" = "#FF27D5"
      ) +
        name = "Drive",
        values = c(
          "4" = "none",
          "f" = "stripe", 
          "r" = "none"

    enter image description here