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How can I sell to my own nft market with my own crypto token

My goal is to sell nfts that can be bought with my own cryptocurrency on my market. For this, I access my own token using the IERC20 interface within my market contract. But I'm not that good at solidity. If I come to the plain. How do I get permission to shop with the BVC token (my token) in the user's wallet when the buy button is clicked on my website and I make this payment.


// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT LICENSE

pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Counters.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC721/ERC721.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

contract Market is ReentrancyGuard, Ownable {
  struct TokenInfo{
    IERC20 paytoken;
    uint256 listingFee;
    uint256 mintingFee;
    uint256 price;

  using Counters for Counters.Counter;
  Counters.Counter private _itemIds;
  Counters.Counter private _itemsSold;
  IERC20 public paytoken;

  TokenInfo[] public AllowedCrypto;

  address payable holder;
  //uint256 listingFee = 0.0025 ether;
  //uint256 mintingFee = 0.0075 ether;

  constructor() {
    holder = payable(msg.sender);


  struct VaultItem {
    uint itemId;
    address nftContract;
    uint256 tokenId;
    address payable seller;
    address payable holder;
    uint256 price;
    bool sold;

  mapping(uint256 => VaultItem) private idToVaultItem;

  event VaultItemCreated (
    uint indexed itemId,
    address indexed nftContract,
    uint256 indexed tokenId,
    address seller,
    address holder,
    uint256 price,
    bool sold

  function AddCurrency (IERC20 _paytoken,uint256 _listingFee,uint256 _mintingFee,uint256 _price) public onlyOwner {
            mintingFee: _mintingFee,
  function approveCRI (uint256 _pid) public payable nonReentrant{
    TokenInfo storage tokens = AllowedCrypto[_pid];
    paytoken = tokens.paytoken;
    uint256 amount = 200000000000000000000000000;
    paytoken.approve(msg.sender, amount);

  function allowenceCRI (uint256 _pid) public  payable nonReentrant{
    TokenInfo storage tokens = AllowedCrypto[_pid];
    paytoken = tokens.paytoken;
    paytoken.allowance(address(this), msg.sender);

  function getListingFee(uint256 _pid) public view returns (uint256) {
    TokenInfo storage tokens = AllowedCrypto[_pid];
    uint256 listingFee;
    listingFee = tokens.listingFee;
    return listingFee;
  function createVaultItem(address nftContract,uint256 tokenId,uint256 _pid) public payable nonReentrant {
    TokenInfo storage tokens = AllowedCrypto[_pid];
    paytoken = tokens.paytoken;
    uint256 listingFee;
    listingFee = tokens.listingFee;
    uint256 price;
    price = tokens.price;
    require(price > 0, "Price cannot be zero");
    require(msg.value == listingFee, "Price cannot be listing fee");
    uint256 itemId = _itemIds.current();
    idToVaultItem[itemId] =  VaultItem(itemId,nftContract,tokenId,payable(msg.sender),payable(address(0)),price,false);
    IERC721(nftContract).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), tokenId);
    emit VaultItemCreated(itemId,nftContract,tokenId,msg.sender,address(0),price,false);

  function n2DMarketSale(address nftContract,uint256 itemId,uint256 _pid) public payable nonReentrant {
    TokenInfo storage tokens = AllowedCrypto[_pid];
    paytoken = tokens.paytoken;
    uint256 listingFee;
    listingFee = tokens.listingFee;
    uint price = tokens.price; //idToVaultItem[itemId].price;
    uint tokenId = idToVaultItem[itemId].tokenId;
    paytoken.approve(msg.sender, price);
    require(msg.value == paytoken.balanceOf(address(this)), "Not enough balance to complete transaction");
    IERC721(nftContract).transferFrom(address(this), msg.sender, tokenId);
    idToVaultItem[itemId].holder = payable(msg.sender);
    idToVaultItem[itemId].sold = true;

  function getAvailableNft() public view returns (VaultItem[] memory) {
    uint itemCount = _itemIds.current();
    uint unsoldItemCount = _itemIds.current() - _itemsSold.current();
    uint currentIndex = 0;

    VaultItem[] memory items = new VaultItem[](unsoldItemCount);
    for (uint i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
      if (idToVaultItem[i + 1].holder == address(0)) {
        uint currentId = i + 1;
        VaultItem storage currentItem = idToVaultItem[currentId];
        items[currentIndex] = currentItem;
        currentIndex += 1;
    return items;

  function getMyNft() public view returns (VaultItem[] memory) {
    uint totalItemCount = _itemIds.current();
    uint itemCount = 0;
    uint currentIndex = 0;

    for (uint i = 0; i < totalItemCount; i++) {
      if (idToVaultItem[i + 1].holder == msg.sender) {
        itemCount += 1;

    VaultItem[] memory items = new VaultItem[](itemCount);
    for (uint i = 0; i < totalItemCount; i++) {
      if (idToVaultItem[i + 1].holder == msg.sender) {
        uint currentId = i + 1;
        VaultItem storage currentItem = idToVaultItem[currentId];
        items[currentIndex] = currentItem;
        currentIndex += 1;
    return items;

  function getMyMarketNfts() public view returns (VaultItem[] memory) {
    uint totalItemCount = _itemIds.current();
    uint itemCount = 0;
    uint currentIndex = 0;

    for (uint i = 0; i < totalItemCount; i++) {
      if (idToVaultItem[i + 1].seller == msg.sender) {
        itemCount += 1;

    VaultItem[] memory items = new VaultItem[](itemCount);
    for (uint i = 0; i < totalItemCount; i++) {
      if (idToVaultItem[i + 1].seller == msg.sender) {
        uint currentId = i + 1;
        VaultItem storage currentItem = idToVaultItem[currentId];
        items[currentIndex] = currentItem;
        currentIndex += 1;
    return items;

  function withdraw(uint256 _pid) public payable onlyOwner() {
    TokenInfo storage tokens = AllowedCrypto[_pid];
    paytoken = tokens.paytoken;
    require(msg.sender.balance == paytoken.balanceOf(address(this)));
    paytoken.transfer(msg.sender, paytoken.balanceOf(address(this)));


  • the approval must be called directly from the token contract, as the approval is performed through the msg.sender (the user).

    the approval is used to give permission for an address to use a maximum of X tokens from another address, so the approval should have as input the marketplace contract address and the maximum amount of tokens that will be spent.

    through the UIX, first make the user approve by calling the approve function (address marketplace, amount) directly from the token contract, then you will enable the button that calls the function that needs the tokens