I have a VS2017 MFC C++ application which uses a ribbon based UI. Up until now I have been using the statically linked MFC libraries but now have to move to MFC in a DLL as I need Multithreaded DLL linkage /MD in order to support another third party SDK (Vulkan). One of the reasons for using statically linked MFC is that it allowed me overcome some problems in the implementation simply by including the source for the item I needed to change in my application. e.g. to use data the edit part of a combo box to select the nearest item in the drop down. This doesn't work when I use the DLL version of MFC for obvious reasons, is there any way around this? I can't simply inherit from MFC base classes as my application is building the ribbon interface from a ribbon resource file and there don't seem to be any hooks to customise this behaviour.
My current thoughts for possibilities include building my own version of the MFC DLLs or simply adding the full MFC source as a sub-project and change my main project Use of MFC to Use Standard Windows Libraries. Both of these seem like nasty hacks.
Edit: In response to the comment below from IInspectable, I'm not entirely sure why the current behaviour doesn't work but have some ideas. Linking the static lib version of the code, if I include my own copy of a function that occurs in the lib, the lib version never gets called (possibly never even gets linked). When linking the DLL version of MFC, my modified function never gets called. This could be because it is called by another function in the same DLL which never sees my code or it has a slightly different decorated name. My thinking is that including all the MFC source in my app and not linking any MFC in the compiler options is one brute force solution, though a pretty horrible one.
I ended up recompiling a custom version of the MFC DLL based on this project, https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/5263509/Compile-MFC-Sources-with-Visual-Studio-2019 This lets me keep my MFC modifications while also using MFC in a DLL with minimal changes to my existing project