I'm using a Telerik ToolWindow and I add to it a WinForms UserControl but when I do that and try to drag the toolwindow, dock hints only show some docking options that don't include the tab group docking.
Dim x = new CustomUserControl()
Dim toolWindow As New ToolWindow
With toolWindow
.Tag = MapControl
.CloseAction = closing
End With
CustomUserControl inherits UserControl.
I would like to note that ToolWindow is a part of the RadDock control: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/winforms/controls/dock/overview It is a specific window that can be dragged and dropped within the RadDock control.
Please refer to the following help articles demonstrating how to setup a RadDock with a ToolWindow at run time: https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/winforms/controls/dock/object-model/creating-a-raddock-at-runtime https://docs.telerik.com/devtools/winforms/controls/dock/object-model/creating-toolwindow-and-documentwindow-at-runtime
I hope this information helps.