I have a script which builds my Java application using jpackage
for macOS.
First, it generates the app, then it packages it to a DMG file. This used to work with Java 18, but now with the new Java 19 it fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: Error: Missing .jpackage.xml file in app-image dir (/my-project/target/artifact-image)
The script is basically like the following:
${java.home}/bin/jpackage --type app-image --input ${copied-none-modular-dependencies} \
--resource-dir ${project.build.directory}/package --module-path ${copied-modular-dependencies} \
--add-modules ${app.additional.modules} --module ${app.main.module}/${app.main.class} \
--dest ${artifact.image.path} --name "My awesome app" --app-version ${project.version} --verbose \
--mac-package-name "My awesome app" --mac-package-identifier com.example.awesome.app
${java.home}/bin/jpackage --type dmg --app-image ${artifact.image.path} \
--resource-dir ${project.build.directory}/package --dest ${artifact.output.path} \
--name "My awesome app" --app-version ${project.version} --verbose
Is this .jpackage.xml
file something new? How should it be generated? I cannot find it in the directory indicated by the error...
I've figured it out! My actual problem was not, that the file was not present. I've simply looked at the wrong place. The file was present under /my-project/target/artifact-image/My awesome app.app/Contents/app/.jpackage.xml
The root problem was, that the --app-image
parameter now should reference the My awesome app.app
directory directly and no more (as in Java 18) its parent (in my case /my-project/target/artifact-image