In Practical Common Lisp, Peter Seibel write:
The mechanism by which multiple values are returned is implementation dependent just like the mechanism for passing arguments into functions is. Almost all language constructs that return the value of some subform will "pass through" multiple values, returning all the values returned by the subform. Thus, a function that returns the result of calling VALUES or VALUES-LIST will itself return multiple values--and so will another function whose result comes from calling the first function. And so on.
The implementation dependent does worry me. My understanding is that the following code might just return primary value:
> (defun f ()
(values 'a 'b))
> (defun g ()
> (g) ; ==> a ? or a b ?
If so, does it mean that I should use this feature sparingly?
Any help is appreciated.
It's implementation-dependent in the sense that how multiple values are returned at the CPU level may vary from implementation to implementation. However, the semantics are well-specified at the language level and you generally do not need to be concerned about the low-level implementation.
See section 2.5, "Function result protocol", of The Movitz development platform for an example of how one implementation handles multiple return values:
The CPU’s carry flag (i.e. the CF bit in the eflags register) is used to signal whether anything other than precisely one value is being returned. Whenever CF is set, ecx holds the number of values returned. When CF is cleared, a single value in eax is implied. A function’s primary value is always returned in eax. That is, even when zero values are returned, eax is loaded with nil.
It's this kind of low-level detail that may vary from implementation to implementation.