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Splunk Alert - custom trigger condition - trigger alert if percentage failure increase by 1% in last 15 minutes

I am trying to send alerts if in last 15 minutes failureThreshold increases by 1%, Following is the Splunk query that returning percentage failureThreshold:

index=*apiGateway* Consumer=* ServiceName=creditcard.* host=*gateway* HTTPStatus=* earliest=-15m@s 
| stats count as Total count(eval(HTTPStatus > 499)) as Failure 
| eval failureThreshold=Failure*100/Total 
| table failureThreshold

from Alert window - I am running this query after every 5 minutes and choose custom trigger condition, need suggestions how to check condition failureThreshold > 1

enter image description here


  • I've found it easier and more reliable to put the alert threshold in the search and have the alert trigger when the number of results is not zero.

    index=*apiGateway* Consumer=* ServiceName=creditcard.* host=*gateway* HTTPStatus=* earliest=-15m@s 
    | stats count as Total count(eval(HTTPStatus > 499)) as Failure 
    | eval failureThreshold=Failure*100/Total 
    | where failureThreshold > 1
    | table failureThreshold