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How can I run a Program, and have it continue when the remote console disconnects

I want to run my Java Program on my Raspberry Pi, but it needs to continue running even if i close Putty. The Program is running on my Raspberry Pi and it is starting completely fine, but as soon as I close the console the Program stops.

I can tell it stops because after closing There wont be any Logs into the log fille (except the ones from before closing the Putty Terminal)

Currently I tried it with an sh script and this line within it:

nohup java -jar /home/pi/Programms/PantaBot/PantaBot.jar > /var/log/logPantaBot.txt 2>&1 &

and with running the sh script with sh

The sh Script:

chmod 777 HandballDBFiller-1.0.0.jar
java -jar HandballDBFiller-1.0.0.jar > ~/Programme/HandballTippspiel/Log.txt


  • I recommend using something like screen or tmux - they both allow you to launch "persistent" terminals that you can disconnect and reconnect to later - possibly from somewhere else, without killing processes launched from such terminals.