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Failure in verification of Move Module for SUI

So I was following the documentation for beginners on SUI, I faced an issue with my Move.toml as I was building my file with sui move build. And I got the following error

Failed to verify the Move module, reason: "Sui framework version mismatch detected.
Make sure that you are using a GitHub dep in your Move.toml:[dependencies]
Sui = { git = \"\", subdir = \"crates/sui-framework\", rev = \"devnet\" }\n`                   
If that does not fix the issue, your `sui` binary is likely out of date--try 
cargo install --locked --git --branch devnet sui".

I get that my SUI binary is likely out of date and I tried cargo install --locked --git --branch devnet sui

However that didn't fix the error and I got another error which was

error: could not find `sui` in with version `*`

I have also tried running the command

cargo install --locked --git --branch "devnet" sui sui-gateway

From the docs but i am facing this error

Updating git repository ``
error: could not find `sui` in with version `*`
    Updating git repository ``
error: could not find `sui-gateway` in with version `*`
     Summary Failed to install sui, sui-gateway (see error(s) above).
error: some crates failed to install

I am wondering how I can fix the issue and update my sui binary?

Context: MacOs SUI before 0.11 devnet release


  • I had the same errors when trying to install the SUI binaries. The following hint in the installation instructions solved my issue.

    "Trouble shooting: If the previous command fails, make sure you have the latest version of Rust installed:"

    rustup update stable
    source "$HOME/.cargo/env"