Hey working with redisJSON NodeJS package npm Redis 4.3.1
Key (userID):(Country) with values Json
data = { "info": { "name":"test", "email": "test@test,test" }, "suppliers": { "s1": 1, "s2": 22 }, "suppliersCap": { "s1": 0, "s2": 10 } }
redis.json.set('22:AU', '.', data);
now I try to add TTL for 5 minutes on the specific key in the JSON for example on this key
22:AU .data.suppliersCap.s2, after 5 minutes the cap will be 0;
bit this not works
, '.data.suppliersCap.s2', {
EX: 300
and XX
are the only valid modifiers for the command:
key: string,
path: string,
json: RedisJSON,
options?: NX | XX | undefined
): Promise<"OK" | null>