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Graphicsmagick Unrecognized option (-annotate)

I am trying to add some text in image. I am using following command:

convert - -pointsize 37 -font fonts/source-sans-pro-regular.ttf -fill "#FFFFFF80" -gravity SouthEast -annotate +48+48 "some text"

but I am getting:

convert convert: Unrecognized option (-annotate).

Version of graphicsmagick is:

GraphicsMagick 1.4 snapshot-20210721 Q16

What can be a problem?


  • I see two issues here.

    Firstly, GraphicsMagick commands start with gm, i.e.

    gm convert ...
    gm mogrify ...
    gm identify ...

    Secondly, the gm convert command does not have an option -annotate, see list of supported options here.

    Maybe you meant to install ImageMagick which would:

    • work without gm prefix, as you expected, and
    • accept the -annotate option you hoped to use.