If you write a flutter app and use the isar storage engine, the running app emits something like this:
flutter: ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
flutter: ╟────────────────────────────────────────────────────╢
flutter: ║ Open the link to connect to the Isar ║
flutter: ║ Inspector while this build is running. ║
flutter: ╟────────────────────────────────────────────────────╢
flutter: ║ https://inspect.isar.dev/3.0.2/#/345/CbIdfsdfsd76 ║
flutter: ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
Obviously isar inspector requires the running app to call home, so that inspect.isar.dev
in a browser window is able to communicate with the running app.
Is this assumption correct?
In case someone needs a purely private development environment, this may conflict with their policy.
isar's open() method allows to disable the inspector, but defaults to true:
static Future<Isar> open(
List<CollectionSchema<dynamic>> schemas, {
String? directory,
String name = defaultName,
bool relaxedDurability = true,
CompactCondition? compactOnLaunch,
bool inspector = true,
If the parameter inspector gets assigned true, the connection to inspect.isar.dev
gets prepared by calling _IsarConnect.initialize(schemas)
/// Tree shake the inspector for profile and release builds.
assert(() {
if (!_kIsWeb && inspector) {
return true;
Code from isar.dart
around line 100.