The textbook functional programming introduction example "return a function with a curried parameter" in C++ does not compile for me:
// return a function x(v) parameterized with b, which tells if v > b
bool (*greater(int))(int b)
return [b](int v) { return v > b; };
It says that identifier b
in the capture [b]
is undefined. I know that I'm being naive here, but where is my error?
EDIT: as @some-programmer-dude pointed out correctly, the function signature is wrong.
is a function accepting an int b
returning ( a pointer *
to a function accepting an (int)
returning a bool
// return a function x(v) parameterized with b, which tells if v > b
bool (*greater(int b))(int)
return [b](int v) { return v > b; };
This of course does not remove the original question which all three replies answered correctly.
You say that greater
is a function taking an unnamed (anonymous) int
argument, and return a pointer to a function taking an int
argument with the name b
The part (int b)
is the argument list for the returned function pointer.
To solve that specific problem use
bool (*greater(int b))(int)
Because function pointers are so complicated, they are usually hidden behind type-aliases:
using greater_function_type = bool(int);
greater_function_type* greater(int b) { ... }
As for the problem that lambdas with captures can't be used as C-style function pointers, use std::function
as return type instead:
using greater_function_type = std::function<bool(int)>;
greater_function_type greater(int b) { ... }
Note that it's not returning a pointer anymore.
Since the C++14 standard you can use automatic return-type deduction with the keyword auto
auto greater(int b) { ... }
If you need to store the returned objects, for example as a class member variable, you need to use std::function<bool(int)>
for that.
Also be careful when using names like greater
in conjunction with using namespace std;
(which is a bad habit), because of std::greater