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How to write multiple if else null statement in XML template

I have an XML template where if a variable is true, this element is created:

<Tracking th:Val="Y"/>

If it is false this is created:

<Tracking th:Val="N"/>

If it is null, no element is created.

Currently I have this:

<th:block th:if="${tracking}">
    <Tracking th:Val="Y"/>
 <th:block th:if="${!tracking}">
    <Tracking th:Val="N"/>

Is there a better way to write this? I'm thinking maybe this:

<th:block th:if="${tracking != null}" >
    <Tracking th:Val="${tracking} ? 'Y' : 'N'"/>


  • I would represent it like this:

    <Tracking th:if="${tracking != null}" th:Val="${tracking ? 'Y' : 'N'}"/>

    (There is no need for the extra th:block.)