I have created a plugin and registered a new setting there.
class WordCountAndTimePlugin{
function __construct()
add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'adminPage'));
add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'settings'));
function settings(){
add_settings_section('wcp_first_section', null, null, 'word-count-settings-page');
add_settings_field('wcp_headline', 'Headline Text', array(
$this, 'headlineHTML'
), 'word-count-settings-page', 'wcp_first_section');
register_setting('wordcountplugin', 'wcp_headline', array(
'sanitize_callback' => 'sanitize_text_field',
'default' => 'Post Statistics'
function headlineHTML(){?>
<input type="text" name="wcp_headline" value="<?php echo esc_attr(get_option('wcp_headline')) ?>">
<?php }
function adminPage(){
add_options_page('Word Count Settings', __('Word Count', 'wcpdomain'), 'manage_options', 'word-count-settings-page',
array($this, 'ourHTML'));
function ourHTML(){ ?>
<div class="wrap">
Word Count Settings
<form action="options.php" method="POST">
<?php }
$wordCountAndTimePlugin = new WordCountAndTimePlugin();
This plugin creates a setting in worpress menu.
And create a page to save this setting in a setting table.
I have added a custom page template for WordPress. And what I need is to access this wcp_headline value inside.
/* Template Name: My Template */
// need to call it here
Is there a way to call this wcp_headline value inside this template?
You can use the get_option function like you used it in your plugin:
$wcp_headline = esc_attr(get_option('wcp_headline'));
The $wcp_headline variable can then be used anywhere in your theme file.