I Generated proxy with gSOAP 2.8.123E. Using message included in MediaBindingProxy, I try to retrieve the profile list on a remote Device with GetProfiles message.
If I set the device codec on H.264 everything is fine, but when codec is H.265 I retrieve an error in soap response (sniffing with wireshark I notice that the H.265 profile is properly returned).
bool soap_OK = false;
MediaBindingProxy * media;
AddUsernameTokenDigest(media, NULL, GetUser(), GetPwd(), deltaT); //authentication
int ret_value = media->GetProfiles(&GetProfiles, GetProfilesResponse);
if (ret_value == SOAP_OK)
soap_OK = true; //returns true id H.264, with H.265 returns false
Could you help me to fix that? if you need further information please ask in comment.
Reading documentation on Onvif profile T, H.265 is enabled in "http://www.onvif.org/ver20/media/wsdl" and not in "http://www.onvif.org/ver10/media/wsdl".
This solve the problem.