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How do I use Join instead of Include to query the data in EF Core?

I have Two Tabel. Just like Teachers And Students. They have a 1 to many relationship

The Two Class Like:

public class TTeachers
   public long Id {get; set;}
   public string? No { get; set; }
   public string? Name { get; set; }
public class TTStudent
   public long Id {get; set;}
   public string? TeacherNo{ get; set; }
   public string? Name{ get; set; }

For some reason I didn't specify their foreign key.

But The student table has one field, for example teacherNo.Specifies their relationship

Now I want to use Linq to query Teacher And Student If I use foreign key. I just use Include to query Student. for example:

var data = (from t in _context.TTeachers.Include(s=> t.Students)
            where t.ID == ID 
            selet new {
             t.ID ,

So What's the equivalent use Join ? I try to this:

var data = from t in _context.TTeachers
           join s in _context.TTStudent on t.No equals s.TeacherNo into student
           where t.ID == ID
           select new { t.Name, list = students }

It will run with an error.

How can I use Join to query Teacher info and Associated student data?

I mean no navigation properties.My team doesn't allow us to use foreign keys.


  • GroupJoin has limitations with EF Core, better to do that via subquery:

    var data = 
        from t in _context.TTeachers
        where a.Fid == lFid
        select new 
            list = _context.TTStudent.Where(s => s.TeacherNo == t.No) 

    Anyway, better to use navigation properties, it has less risk that you have defined wrong compare keys.