I'm trying to filter a column based on two slightly different outcomes (included in the formula) but getting an array error message.
The code I'm trying to filter with is as follows. I've used a similar formula in the past which works when looking in different columns but I'm having trouble getting this to work without an error.
={FILTER('Tidy Form Responses'!A2:F,UPPER('Tidy Form Responses'!B2:B="Talk for Writing (29.03.2023)"));FILTER('Tidy Form Responses'!A2:F,UPPER('Tidy Form Responses'!B2:B="Talk for Writing (29.03.2023) FD"))}
see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/58042211/5632629
but your error actually comes from wrapping the whole 2nd argument of each FILTER into UPPER
={FILTER('Tidy Form Responses'!A2:F,
UPPER('Tidy Form Responses'!B2:B)=UPPER("Talk for Writing (29.03.2023)"));
FILTER('Tidy Form Responses'!A2:F,
UPPER('Tidy Form Responses'!B2:B)=UPPER("Talk for Writing (29.03.2023) FD"))}