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how to scroll to bottom in Avaloniaui

I have a textbox wrapped by a scrollviewer. Is there a way to automatically scroll down to the bottom when the text of the textbox changes? I hope don't violate the mvvm rules.

<ScrollViewer x:Name="LogSV" VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto" HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
    <TextBox x:Name="LogText" Text="{Binding Log}" IsReadOnly="True" Focusable="False"/>


  • You could subscribe to the PropertyChanged event of the TextBox and change the scroll if the property name is Text.

    private readonly ScrollViewer _scrollViewer;
    public UserControl()
       this.FindControl<TextBox>("LogText").PropertyChanged += TextBoxPropertyChanged;
       _scrollViewer = this.FindControl<ScrollViewer>("LogSV");
    private void TextBoxPropertyChanged(object? sender, AvaloniaPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
       if(e.Property.Name == "Text")