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What Jfrog Artifactories types (Docker, Helm, General) needed for Kuberentes cluster using Rancher?

I am going to create Kubernetes cluster from scratch with Rancher and I would like to have jfrog artifactory for my container images.

I am trying to understand what is the difference between the differnet artifacoties types and which one I actually need:

Jfrog Artifactory - Package Type: Docker

Jfrog Artifactory - Package Type: Helm

Jfrog Artifactory - Package Type: General

  1. what is the use of each type?
  2. is the fact that Jfrog Artifactory is with Package Type: Docker makes him "Docker repository" that can store container images that can be pulled/pushed with the Docker client?
  3. for the Kubernetes cluster - should I have 2 Artifacotries at the end: one of type Helm - in order to save all the deployment files one of type Docker - in order to save all the container images?


  • I assume you mean the jfrog container registry flavor of Artifactory, which supports Docker, Helm registries and Generic repositories.

    1. This is a single server that is intended for exactly what you need as a single source for your Kubernetes deployments: The container images (Docker), the Helm charts and any other generic files you might like to manage.

    2. Yes. Your Artifactory is your Docker registry.

    3. No need. A single Artifactory can be used for both.

    I suggest you follow the documentation on this.