Currently I have a dynamic CSS file, completed by PHP from results in the database. At the moment I'm converting the dynamic files into static files using output buffering. The conversion to a static file works like a charm but the action is called from a jQuery dialogwindow. After the operation is completed a small piece of HTML is printed to close the dialogform.
In here lies the problem. The HTML code gets printed instead of parsed. I believe it's because of the output buffrering. When I comment the buffering code everything works again.
Can someone tell me what's going wrong?
The code in the OB im using is:
$MC_ParseTemplateCall = 1; # is used in the include to set some values
require_once($Template); # Template contains the path and filename
$templateCss = ob_get_contents(); #using this to store it with fopen, fwrite & fclose
From a file like save.php (which is executed in a jQuery dialog)
// stuff to save template related settings happens above
# Make a static CSS file
<body onLoad="window.parent.CloseDialog();"></body>
Function to store the template:
function ParseAndStoreTemplate($Template)
$MC_ParseTemplateCall = 1;
$templateCss = ob_get_contents();
$fileName = end(explode("/", $Template));
$templateName = reset(explode(".php", $fileName));
$websitePath = DIR_PATH_TO_ROOT."../Global/Files/Website/".$GLOBALS["WebsiteId"]."/";
$templateFolder = "CSS";
die("<strong>Opgegeven templatebestand bestaat niet</strong>: ".$Template);
Figured it out already. It seemed that the Content-Type header gets changed during output buffering. After telling the browser it should behave like a text/html page the dialog gets closed again like it should. Thanks anyway!