I'm trying to download a file from an S3 bucket onto a EC2 Windows server. I'm set up the IAM role, policy, and profile. In the CloudFormation::Init section of the server, I have different configSets and one of them is downloading a file from the bucket.
--- Some items not shown ---
"Parameters": {
"S3BucketName": {
"Description": "The name of an existing S3 bucket that the server needs to access.",
"Type": "String",
"Default": "ccw-to-rds-poc-1"
--- Some parameters not shown ---
"Resource": {"Fn::Join": ["", ["arn:aws:s3:::", {"Ref": "S3BucketName"}]]}
"myAppServer": {
"Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"Metadata": {
"AWS::CloudFormation::Authentication": {
"S3AccessCreds": {
"type": "S3",
"roleName": {
"Ref": "InstanceRole"
"buckets" : [{"Ref": "S3BucketName"}]
"AWS::CloudFormation::Init": {
"configSets": {
"downloadS3Data": ["downloadS3"],
"Full": [{"ConfigSet": "downloadS3Data"}, "fullServer"],
"default": [ {"ConfigSet": "Full"}],
"App": [{"ConfigSet": "downloadS3Data"}, "appServer"],
"Interface": [{"ConfigSet": "downloadS3Data"}, "interfaceServer"],
"Notification": [{"ConfigSet": "downloadS3Data"}, "notificationServer"]
"downloadS3": {
"files": {
"C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Documents\\s3download.bak": {
"source": "https://ccw-to-rds-poc-1.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/test.txt",
"authentication": "S3AccessCreds"
"fullServer": {
"commands": {
"test": {
"command": "echo \"$MAGIC\"",
"env": {"MAGIC": "I am from the full server env"},
"cwd": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop"
--- Some config sets not shown ---
"Properties": {
"IamInstanceProfile": {
"Ref": "InstanceProfile"
"ImageId": "ami-012bb86d0081c5240",
"InstanceType": "t2.small",
"KeyName": {"Ref": "keypair"},
"SecurityGroupIds": ["sg-0d0b50ca1774707b7"],
"UserData" : {
"Fn::Base64" : {
"Fn::Join" : [
"cfn-init.exe -v -s ", {"Ref" : "AWS::StackId"}, " -r YourInstance -c ", {"Ref": "CCWServerType"} , " --region ", {"Ref" : "AWS::Region"}, "\n",
When the server runs "cfn-init.exe -v -s ", {"Ref" : "AWS::StackId"}, " -r YourInstance -c ", {"Ref": "CCWServerType"} , " --region ", {"Ref" : "AWS::Region"}, "\n",
It creates the s3download.bak
, but it is empty and gives an Access Denied, (HTTP Error 403). Is there something I'm not doing correctly with the IAM configurations that is causing this?
I thought that because I am accessing the entire bucket and not just a specific item, like mentioned in this article that might be the issue. However, after trying "Action":["s3:*Object"]
and "Action":["s3.Get*"]
, I still get the same access denied error.
The issue is with my IAM policy. I specified the bucket ARN as the resource for the s3:GetObject
action, but for this action the resource needs to be an object(s). See AWS S3 Docs
So I ended up adding to the end of my S3 ARN with a wildcard so I can get any object in the bucket.
"Resource": {"Fn::Join": ["", ["arn:aws:s3:::", {"Ref": "S3BucketName"}, "/*"]]}