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Plotting multiple probabilities of an logistic multilevel model

I need to estimate and plot a logistic multilevel model. I've got the binary dependent variable employment status (empl) (0 = unemployed; 1 = employed) and level of internet connectivity (isoc) as (continuous) independent variable and need to include random effects (intercept and slope) alongside the education level (educ) (1 = low-skilled worker; 2 = middle-skilled; 3 = high-skilled). Also I have some control variables I'm not going to mention here. I'm using the glmer function of the lme4 package. Here is a sample data frame and my (simplified) code:


d <- data.frame(empl=c(1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0), 
      isoc=runif(20, min=-0.2, max=0.2), 
      educ=sample(1:3, 20, replace=TRUE))


   empl         isoc educ
1     1  0.078604108    1
2     1  0.093667591    3
3     1 -0.061523272    2
4     0  0.009468908    3
5     1 -0.169220134    2
6     0 -0.038594789    3
7     1  0.170506490    1
8     1 -0.098487991    1
9     0  0.073339737    1
10    1  0.144211813    3
11    1 -0.133510687    1
12    1 -0.045306606    3
13    0  0.124211903    3
14    1 -0.003908486    3
15    0 -0.080673475    3
16    1  0.061406993    3
17    1  0.015401951    2
18    1  0.073351501    2
19    1  0.075648137    2
20    0  0.041450192    1


m <- glmer(empl ~ isoc + (1 + isoc | educ),
            nAGQ = 0)

Now the question: I'm looking for a plot with three graphs, one graph for each educ-level, with the probabilities (values just between 0 and 1). Here is an sample image from the web:

Below is my (simplified) code for the plot. But it only produces crap I cannot interpret.

plot_model(m, type="pred",
           terms=c("isoc [all]", "educ"),

There is one thing I can do to get a "kind-of" right plot but I have to alter the model above in a way I think it's wrong (keyword: multicollinearity). Additionally I don't think the three graphs of this plot are correct either. The modified model looks like this:

m <- glmer(empl ~ isoc + educ (1 + isoc | educ),
            nAGQ = 0)

I appreciate any help! I think my problem resembles this question but unfortunately there has been no answer to this yet and unfortunately I'm not able to comment with my low reputation.


  • I think you want

    plot_model(m, type="pred", 
          pred.type = "re", 
          terms = c("isoc[n=100]","educ"), = TRUE)
    • pred.type = "re" takes the random effects into account when making predictions
    • isoc[n=100] uses 100 distinct values across the range of isoc - this is better than making predictions only at the observed values of isoc, which is what [all] specifies

    For the example you've given the prediction lines are all on top of each other (because the fit is singular/the random-effects variance is effectively zero), but that's presumably because your sample data set is so small.

    For what it's worth, although this is a perfectly well-posed programming problem, I would not recommend treating educ as a random effect:

    • the number of levels is impractically small
    • the levels are not exchangeable (i.e. it wouldn't make sense to relabel "high-skilled" as "low-skilled").

    Feel free to ask more questions about your model setup/definition on CrossValidated