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Android. How to get substring from Spannable which was clicked?

I have html string:

htmlString = "This is a <a href=\"\">link</a> and another link <a href=\"\">link2</a>"

I set this String to my TextView. Here is my code:


And also I set LinkMovementMethod, links to be clickable.


Everything is fine, but links open in the browser by default, and I need to open them inside the application in web view.

Can I somehow get the link from the clicked String ? So that I can load the link in web view.

Or do I need to manually search for all links in the String and put clicks on them (ClickableSpan)? Please, help me.


  • Here is how you can do it:

    Extend LinkMovementMethod to accept custom click listener

    Copy this java class: InternalLinkMovementMethod to your project Add set the link movement method of your TextView to this custom one, providing a click listener:

    OnLinkClickedListener clickListener = new OnLinkClickedListener() {
        public boolean onLinkClicked(String linkText) {
            // here you can handle your click, eg show the dialog
            // `linkText` is the text being clicked (the link)
            // return true if handled, false otherwise
    yourTextView.setMovementMethod(new InternalLinkMovementMethod(clickListener)

    Base on: Intercept link LinkMovementMethod with a Yes/No dialog