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How to write a add function chaining?

I have questions on where to even start on this problem. The problem requires the following.

// We want to create a function that will add numbers together,
// when called in succession.

add(1)(2); // == 3

I have never seen functions be used in such a way, and I am currently at a loss of where to start. Furthermore, I tried to do some research on parameter chaining, but this is all I could find.

If you guys have any questions, I can edit my code or question. Any help is appreciated.


  • .... way and I am currently at a loss of where to start?

    One way, is to start with an anonymous (unnamed) functor, which has operator(), that returns the reference to the this, as follows:

    struct {  // unnamed struct
        int result{ 0 };
        auto& operator()(const int val) noexcept
            result += val;
            return *this;   // return the instance itself
        // conversion operator, for converting struct to an int
        operator int() { return result; }
    } add;  // instance of the unnamed struct
    int main() 
        std::cout << add(1)(2); // prints:  3

    See a live demo

    Read more about the unnamed structs, functors and conversion operator here: