Found this question by @CarstenWE but it had been closed with no answer: How to get classification report from the confusion matrix?
As the question is closed, I opened this question to provide an answer.
The questions linked to the original all have answers to compute precision, recall, and f1-score. However, none seems to use the classification_report
as the original question asked.
I wrote a small function to do this using a confusion matrix as input, by creating a ground-truth vector and a predicted vector, as order does not matter for these metrics:
def classification_report_from_confusion_matrix(cm, **args):
y_true = []
y_pred = []
for target in range(len(cm)):
for pred in range(len(cm)):
y_true += [gt]*cm[target][pred]
y_pred += [pred]*cm[target][pred]
return metrics.classification_report(y_true , y_pred, **args)
This solution probably does not scale well for huge datasets, but it was enough for me.
Here is a solution without using lists:
def classification_report_from_confusion_matrix(confusion_matrix, **args):
y_true = np.zeros(np.sum(confusion_matrix), dtype=int)
y_pred = np.copy(y_true)
i = 0
for target in range(len(confusion_matrix)):
for pred in range(len(confusion_matrix)):
n = confusion_matrix[target][pred]
y_true[i:i+n] = target
y_pred[i:i+n] = pred
i += n
return metrics.classification_report(y_true, y_pred, **args)