I'd like to ask the reason why this is happening.
When I was casting a result to DECIMAL5_2 when using COUNT, it works as planned when the COUNT is in a separate line from the casting:
c1 = COUNT($.MenInMStatesPersons(IsBornBefore1980);
c2 = COUNT(MenBornBefore1980);
PercOlderMalesInMStates := (DECIMAL5_2)(c1/c2 * 100); //result 14.46
And when I try to condense it to a one-liner, the output changes:
PercOlderMalesInMStates := (DECIMAL5_2)(COUNT($.MenInMStatesPersons(IsBornBefore1980)/COUNT(MenBornBefore1980) * 100);
//result is 15
But the one liner will work if I declare the value to be of the DECIMAL5_2 type:
DECIMAL5_2 PercOlderMalesInMStates := (COUNT($.MenInMStatesPersons(IsBornBefore1980)/COUNT(MenBornBefore1980) * 100);
//result is 14.86
Thank you very much!
EDIT: There's a difference between the code I posted above and the one in the actual ECL file in my PC. Apparently, I typed a working expression here while I fumbled the bag in my local ECL file.
One-Liner in this post:
PercOlderMalesInMStates := (DECIMAL5_2)(COUNT($.MenInMStatesPersons(IsBornBefore1980)/COUNT(MenBornBefore1980) * 100);
//result is indeed correct (14.86)
One-Liner in my local ECL file:
PercOlderMalesInMStates := (DECIMAL5_2) (COUNT($.MenInMStatesPersons(IsBornBefore1980)) / COUNT(MenBornBefore1980)) * 100;
//result is incorrect(15)
Notice the difference in the parentheses! My guess now as to why this is happening would be that in my local ECL file, the DECIMAL5_2 casting happens before the fraction part can be multiplied by 100, thus it becomes an INTEGER.
Thank you again and sorry for the mistake!
On my machine, this code produces exactly the same (correct) answer for all three:
IsBornBefore1980 := $.Persons.BirthDate < '1980';
MenBornBefore1980 := $.Persons(Gender = 'M',BirthDate < '1980');
c1 := COUNT($.MenInMStatesPersons(IsBornBefore1980));
c2 := COUNT(MenBornBefore1980);
PercOlderMalesInMStates1 := (DECIMAL5_2)(c1/c2 * 100); //result 14.46
PercOlderMalesInMStates2 := (DECIMAL5_2)(COUNT($.MenInMStatesPersons(IsBornBefore1980))/COUNT(MenBornBefore1980) * 100);
DECIMAL5_2 PercOlderMalesInMStates3 := COUNT($.MenInMStatesPersons(IsBornBefore1980))/COUNT(MenBornBefore1980) * 100;
I'm not sure why your code produces different results, but I did have to correct several syntax errors before my version of your code would run. Try my version and see what you get.