I am trying to build an text field with shadow outside
This is the result I achieved so on.
But if you zoom in the picture you will see some rectangle background under white text field (please look at the corners outside of text field, there is a background)
How can I remove that background ?
fun MyTextField() {
var text by remember {
modifier = Modifier
.background(color = Color.White, shape = RoundedCornerShape(10.dp))
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,
) {
value = text,
onValueChange = { text = it },
label = { Text(text = "Phone number", color = Color.Gray, fontSize = 14.sp) },
modifier = Modifier
.background(color = Color.Transparent, shape = RoundedCornerShape(10.dp)),
colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(
backgroundColor = Color.Transparent,
focusedIndicatorColor = Color.Transparent,
unfocusedIndicatorColor = Color.Transparent
As default the shadow
modifier uses a RectangleShape
, it is the reason of your issue:
Apply the same shape to the shadow
and background
val shape = RoundedCornerShape(10.dp)
modifier = Modifier
elevation = 5.dp,
shape = shape
.background(color = Color.White, shape = shape)
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center,