I have made a vector which looks like this:
v1 <- c("1 1","1 2","1 3",
"2 1","2 2","2 3",
"3 1","3 2","3 3",
"4 1","4 2","4 3",
"5 1","5 2","5 3",
"6 1","6 2","6 3")
It can be called v1.
The result I want is "1 1 1 1" "1 1 1 2" .... "6 6 6 6" (in total should be 6x3x6x3=360-36=324 in total into a new vector v2)
However, I have tried apply(combn(v1, 2), 2, paste0, collapse=" ")
but it is not complete.
How can I achieve the goal?
Get all combinations, then paste:
v2 <- do.call(paste, expand.grid(v1, v1))
Check the output:
# [1] "1 1 1 1" "1 2 1 1" "1 3 1 1" "2 1 1 1" "2 2 1 1" "2 3 1 1"
# [1] "5 1 6 3" "5 2 6 3" "5 3 6 3" "6 1 6 3" "6 2 6 3" "6 3 6 3"
# [1] 324