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How to convert raw lines to df

I need to read a df from a pdf file and here is an example table

enter image description here

So far I was able to read the data as raw lines with the following chunk


pdf_file <- pdf_text("exm.pdf")

raw_df <- pdf_file %>%
  read_lines() %>%
  data.frame() %>% 
  rename(rawline = 1)

raw_df <- raw_df %>% 
    rawline = str_replace(string = rawline,
                          pattern = "^ \\s*",
                          replacement = "")

here is the structure of raw df

> raw_df
1      Id   Name    Address           Mobile
2 1    Kiran   Bengaluru,        99999 99999
3                                Mysore Road
4                                   6th Lane
5 2    John    Mandya            77777 77777
6                            Taluka Junction
7 3    Ravi    Mysore            88888 88888

How can i convert this into a proper df? I tried filtering out the lines that start with a digit by using regex but after that I got stuck. I need to gather address lines (that have no number at the beginning) and attach them to the previous address text and then split lines into columns. I tried splitting based the space between id, name, address and Mobile but it is not constant across all lines. How can I resolve this issue? Thanks in advance.


As suggested, I tried pdf_data and i got a table (head(15)) like this with x and y positions of the text

# A tibble: 15 x 6
   width height     x     y space text      
   <int>  <int> <int> <int> <lgl> <chr>     
 1     8     11    77    74 FALSE Id        
 2     5     11    77    88 FALSE 1         
 3    26     11   181    74 FALSE Name      
 4    23     11   181    88 FALSE Kiran     
 5     5     11    77   129 FALSE 2         
 6    20     11   181   129 FALSE John      
 7     5     11    77   156 FALSE 3         
 8    18     11   181   156 FALSE Ravi      
 9    35     11   294    74 FALSE Address   
10    48     11   294    88 FALSE Bengaluru,
11    33     11   294   102 TRUE  Mysore    
12    22     11   330   102 FALSE Road      
13     5     11   294   115 FALSE 6         
14     5      6   299   114 TRUE  th        
15    21     11   308   115 FALSE Lane

based on this table I can filter out the x values and get the columns as vectors. but if there are spaces in the values( like address) this filtering will not work. Is there a way to gather address column based on x and y values?

Basically I need to gather rows based on a value (ex: x == 294) until the same value appears then I can use str_c to merge those cells to a single string.


  • based on your first method, try this function after getting row_df :

    parse_pdfs_lines_ById<- function(raw_df){
    # ----delete rownames : the first character and space
     mutate(rawline=sub('.', '', rawline))%>%
     # ----remove the first space to keep Id as a first word
     mutate(rawline=gsub('^ ', '', rawline))  
    # ------ now ignore the raw of colnames
    # ---------assign  the correct id to  correct line 
    # id=""
    # initialize index of line
    while (i<nrow(raw_df))
       # get the id , first word of line ./!\ not the first character! e.g : id == 22 )
    # > raw_df
    #                                    rawline
    # 1    Kiran   Bengaluru,        99999 99999
    # 1                               Mysore Road
    # 1                                  6th Lane
    # 2    John    Mandya            77777 77777
    # 2                           Taluka Junction
    # 3    Ravi    Mysore            88888 88888
    # ------build the dataframe
    col_df= list("Id","Name", "Address", "Mobile")
    raw_df2 =setNames(data.frame(matrix(ncol = 4, nrow = 0),stringsAsFactors = F),col_df)
    for (j in 1:nrow(raw_df))
     # split the line of dataframe by  double space or more
     line= unlist(strsplit(raw_df$rawline[j],"   +"))
     df_line= data.frame(t(line),stringsAsFactors = F)
     # if all 4 column exist , affect column names else these is just Id and Part2 of adress ==>column Adress2
     names(df_line) = unlist(ifelse(length(line)==4,
     # rbind even the number of column is not the same
     raw_df2=plyr::rbind.fill(raw_df2,df_line )
    # ----- clean final dataframe
    final_df = raw_df2%>%
     # replace Na with emty value
     mutate_all(~ifelse(, "", .))%>%
     mutate(Address= paste(Address,Adress2,collapse = " "))%>% #put collapse ="\r\n" to display the exact format
     # keep just the first line by Id 
     # remove adress2 column 

    apply function on your first example and the result is :

    raw_df  = data.frame(rawline=
                           c("1      Id   Name    Address           Mobile",
                             "2 1    Kiran   Bengaluru,        99999 99999",
                             "3                                Mysore Road",
                             "4                                   6th Lane",
                             "5 2    John    Mandya            77777 77777",
                             "6                            Taluka Junction",
                             "7 3    Ravi    Mysore            88888 88888")
    # final_df
    # A tibble: 3 x 4
    # Id    Name  Address                              Mobile     
    # <chr> <chr> <chr>                                <chr>      
    # 1     Kiran "Bengaluru,   Mysore Road  6th Lane" 99999 99999
    # 2     John  "Mandya   Taluka Junction"           77777 77777
    # 3     Ravi  "Mysore "                            88888 88888

    hope this will help!, please let me know if something does not work or is not clear enough.(update response format).