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Is there a way to display R Leaflet label values in a separate box?

On the JS Leaflet page the population density is shown in a panel in the upper right hand corner when a state is hovered over. Is there a way to create a similar box in Leaflet using R? Working Example from JS Leaflet

I created a separate panel using absolutePanel() from the Shiny package, but have only been able to print out all the data at once instead of when a location is hovered over.

Broken example


    ui <- fillPage(tags$head(includeCSS("./shiny/www/styles.css")),
              title = "National Parks I've Visited",
              bootstrap = TRUE,
              leafletOutput("map", width = "100%", height = "100%"),
              absolutePanel(id = "info-panel",
                            class = "panel panel-default",
                            bottom = 75, 
                            left = 55, 
                            width = 250, 
                            fixed = TRUE, 
                            draggable = TRUE, 
                            height = "auto",
                p(id = "info", class="info-title", "National Park Data"),
                textOutput("demo_text", container = tags$h3)))

server <- function(input, output) {
  output$map <- renderLeaflet({
    leaflet() %>%
  addPolygons(data = usa_base,
    smoothFactor = 0.2,
    fillColor = "#808080",
    stroke = TRUE,
    weight = 0.5,
    opacity = 0.5,
    color = "#808080",
    highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
      weight = 0.5,
      color = "#000000",
      fillOpacity = 0.7,
      bringToFront = FALSE),
    group = "Base Map") %>%  
  addPolygons(data = nps,
    smoothFactor = 0.2,                 
    fillColor =  ~nps_color(type),
    fillOpacity = 1,
    stroke = TRUE,
    weight = 0.2,     
    opacity = 0.5,                       
    color = "#354f52",             
    highlight = highlightOptions(
      weight = 3,
      color = "#fff",
      fillOpacity = 0.8,
      bringToFront = TRUE),
    group = "National Parks")  %>%
    baseGroups = "Base Map",
    overlayGroups = "National Parks",
    options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE))  %>% 
  addLegend(pal = nps_color,
            values = nps$type,
            position = "bottomright",
            title = "National Land by Type")
  output$demo_text <- renderText ({
    sprintf("%s is a %s. I have %s there.", nps$PARKNAME, nps$type, nps$visited)

Data: National Park Data from the National Park Service USA Shapefile from the United States Census


  • The solution is to use input$map_shape_mouseover$id, which gives you the ID of the polygon your mouse is hovering.

    You have other similar inputs such as map_shape_click (give you the ID and lat long of the polygon you clicked), map_click (gives you the coordinates of the point you click on the map), map_marker_click (gives you the ID and lat long of the marker you clicked) etc ...

    Please note that your code is NOT reproducible.

    Here is a solution using the States dataset and choropleth example map.

    Data is available here as geojson that I converted to SHP using an online geojson to shp converter.

    states <- readOGR("data/us-states-polygon.shp")
    bins <- c(0, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, Inf)
    pal <- colorBin("YlOrRd", domain = states$density, bins = bins)
    ui <- fillPage(
      title = "National Parks I've Visited",
      bootstrap = TRUE,
      #CSS for the top right panel
          #affichage_infos_commune {
            background-color:rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
            border-radius: 10px;
            z-index:1600 !important;
      leafletOutput("map", width = "100%", height = "100%"),
      # top right panel
        id        = "affichage_infos_commune",
        top       = '5px',
        right     = '5px',
        width     = '200px',
        fixed     = TRUE,
        draggable = FALSE,
            width = 12,
            align = "center",
            style = "height:45px",
    server <- function(input, output) {
      output$map <- renderLeaflet({
        leaflet() %>%
          addTiles() %>%
            data = states,
            layerId = ~name, # give each polygon an ID which is state name
            fillColor = ~pal(density),
            weight = 2,
            opacity = 1,
            color = "white",
            dashArray = "3",
            fillOpacity = 0.7,
            highlightOptions = highlightOptions(
              weight = 5,
              color = "#666",
              dashArray = "",
              fillOpacity = 0.7,
              bringToFront = TRUE),
     # you can customise the output as HTML to get state in bold or a linebreak if you want
     output$texte <- renderText({
       current_state = input$map_shape_mouseover$id # get state name we are hovering
      return("Hover over a state")
    } else{
      return(paste(current_state, ":", states@data[states$name==current_state, 'density'], "people / mi2"))
    shinyApp(ui, server)